One of the banks in town just installed a new sign which includes a rotating LED display.  To be effective, this space should be treated as a mini-billboard, but it seems that they are using it as an electronic brochure.  There are pictures, headlines and copy, even though the headlines are barely large enough to be legible.  To me, it is totally ineffective.

Around town, there are always examples of static billboards with the same problem.  They may have looked great up close and personal on a computer screen and or when printed out on a sheet of paper, but when they are enlarged and moved several hundred feet away from the reader the message is lost.

Think about how you can take a lesson from these two challenges. Are you reviewing your message in the context which it is most likely to be read?  Have you boiled your point down to its essence and cut away all the extraneous components?  If you review your output to scale is it still workable, whether that be on a billboard or on a mobile phone?

One size does not fit all for most things, and certainly not for messaging.  Don’t review things once on your computer and assume it speaks with clarity everywhere else.

— beth triplett

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