After my niece stayed at my house for a week, her mom asked her what she learned about me. Her answer: “she really doesn’t like music.” Let me correct the record and say that I like music a lot — just not playing during every waking moment!

It’s because I like quiet a lot and find the lack of input restorative. I don’t turn the television on the second I walk into a hotel room. I only have my TV on at home when I am watching something specific. I prefer not to wear my AirPods when I’m out walking. I don’t need to have podcasts playing whenever I’m free. Quiet is a calming reset and it’s the best background “noise” for me.

Before you automatically switch on the next audio source, take a moment to appreciate the lack of external stimuli. There is a time for music, media, and all the rest but quiet should be on your playlist too.

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