“Participating in the world as it is does not disqualify you from trying to improve it.”

I read this quote on Twitter and it has really stuck with me. The tweet pointed out that the inventor of the engine used a horse every day, the inventor of the light bulb worked by candlelight, and the inventor of steel only had iron. People used what was available to them to make things better.

The same opportunity is available to you.

Maybe you won’t become the inventor of a world-altering tool but you can apply the principle to improve your situation (and beyond). Work around a bad boss. Create a new policy that revolutionizes an aspect of how your organization operates. Start an affinity group to help ignite a movement. Advocate for a change in your industry. Adopt a new practice that others can emulate. Mentor one person and encourage them to do great things.

I hear all the time that people are overworked and under-resourced. It may be true. There are always conditions that are less than ideal. Improve the world anyway.

Tweet by The Other 98% (@other98)

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