To start the new year, many people purchase new calendars or appointment books, ostensibly to track their scheduled events in the coming months. But what if you want a vehicle to organize and plan time for those events that aren’t time-specific — the pieces of the big goals that are what, as Stephen Covey calls “important but not urgent.” How can you get a handle on this type of scheduling?

There are many options out there, but I will offer two formats that help the creative or entrepreneurial person add some structure to more fluid projects. One is Natalie MacNeil’s Conquer Your Year Planner. She combines space to track top priorities, well being, gratitude and progress toward the big picture all in one spiral notebook. (see below)

Another is the Passion Planner — a type of pre-formatted Bullet Journal that allows you to track larger goals and weekly appointments plus other information all in the same place. Both planners allow you to express your creativity and to multi-function throughout the book.

There is more to life to plan out and schedule than just dentist appointments and meetings. Find a system that matches with your goals and temperament to maximize your effectiveness in the year ahead.

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from Natalie MacNeil’s Conquer Your Year Planner

Thanks to Michele and Amy

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