Airports seem like great places to get exercise: they have miles of corridors for walking and most people there have ample time on their hands with nothing else to do. But somehow the logistics of walking with a carry-on in tow or dragging a rollerboard suitcase behind you diminishes the appeal, so most people end up sitting idly or balancing a computer on their lap to accomplish business.

Minneapolis airport has found a way to make work compatible with exercise while waiting in their terminals by providing treadmill desks. These machines allow people to walk and have a stable desk space while leaving their luggage resting beside them. Stand up desks have become popular in the office; maybe treadmill desks will catch on as well.

Think about the problems that your customers have. Is there a way that you can solve them with innovative solutions? Maybe hospitals could provide the treadmill desks for visitors who spend long hours waiting. Perhaps you could provide bowls at movie theatres to make it easier to share (rather than spill) big buckets of popcorn. Or you could offer sunscreen in dispensers (like hand sanitizer) at your outdoor event.

Look at your customer’s frustrations as opportunities for you to shine.

Thanks, Tracy!

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