We had a board meeting last week and a trustee was asking me how we managed to have a significant increase in our undergraduate population last year.  I thought of the many things we have done, and things that people all throughout campus have done, and I didn’t have one “silver bullet” answer for her.

I was thinking about this in relation to the Super Bowl game today.  I don’t know much more about the game than the teams who are playing, but I’ll bet that one team will favor a running game and the other a passing game when given the chance.  The passes are exciting and even sexy, but the running game can also move a team down the field.

I think our work in enrollment is more of a running game.  We move the ball down the field only a few yards at a time, but have done so continuously for several years now.  As a result we are scoring, even scoring big at times.  When things aren’t going so well the temptation is to try the passing game, but if we remain disciplined runners it will likely work out well for us in the end.

Think about your strategies:  Are you a running organization or do you have a plan and personnel to be in the passing game?  Either can have “super” results, as long as you are intentional and persistent in the strategy that you follow.

Happy commercial watching!

— beth triplett

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